Know Thyself: Monitoring and Reflecting on Facets of One's Life — CHI 2010 Workshop

Know Thyself: Monitoring and Reflecting on Facets of One's Life

Accepted Papers | Day of Workshop | Papers Categorized | Call for Participation

Accepted Papers

Joshua B. Gross
Computational Models of Reflection

Sudheendra Hangal, Monica S. Lam
Life-browsing with a Lifetime of Email

Pedro Sanches, Elsa Kosmack Vaara, Marie Sjölinder, Claus Weymann, Kristina Höök
Affective Health: designing for empowerment rather than stress diagnosis

Matthias Betz, Tobias Schwartz, Leonardo Ramirez
Know Thyself: Monitoring and Reflecting Energy Consumption

Vesa Kyllönen, Jani Mäntyjärvi, Jussi Huhtala, Ari-Heikki Sarjanoja, Jonna Häkkilä
Mobile Application for Developing Self-Awareness of Personal Communication Patterns

Thorsten Prante, Jens Sauer, Seif Lotfy, Albrecht Schmidt
Personal Experience Trace: Orienting Oneself in One’s Activities and Experiences

Norbert Gyorbiro, Henry Larkin, Michael Cohen
Collaborative Capturing of Significant Life Memories

Reza Rawassizadeh, Martin Tomitsch
Towards Digital Preservation of Pervasive Device Information

Yevgeniy Medynskiy, Elizabeth D. Mynatt
From Personal Health Informatics to Health Self-management

Zachary Pousman
Casual Infovis in the Workplace: Supporting Worker Reflections and Conversations

Nathan Yau, Mark Hansen
your.flowingdata: Personal Data Collection via Twitter

Brennan Moore, Max Van Kleek, David R. Karger, mc schraefel
Assisted Self Reflection: Combining Lifetracking, Sensemaking, & Personal Information Management

Youn-kyung Lim, Alice Oh, Tek-jin Nam, Kee-Eung Kim
Personal Informatics for Discovering Human-centered Lifecare System Opportunities

Dominikus Baur
Visualizing Media and Music Histories

Zhicheng Liu, Sarita Yardi, John Stasko
Do you know what you did last summer? Visualizing personal behavior in Google services

* Authors in bold are attending the workshop.

Organized by

Ian Li | Anind Dey | Jodi Forlizzi


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  • Papers Due  January 6, 2010, 11:59pm PST
  • Extension  January 13, 2010, 11:59pm PST
  • Notification  January 27, 2010
  • Workshop  April 10, 2010

CHI 2010

CHI 2010
April 10–15, 2010
Atlanta, GA, USA

Created by Ian Li. HCII, Carnegie Mellon University.