Personal Informatics & HCI: Design, Theory, & Social Implications
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Personal Health Informatics: What is the role for online social networks?
Noreen Kamal, Sidney Fels, Mike Blackstock
Personal health informatics can be a key mechanism to allow individuals to visualize and track health behavior. Providing visibility and feedback of one’s diet and activity level is one way to motivate positive health behavior change. In our survey reported here, we note that personal health information such as nutritional intake and activity level are not being stored consistently by people either offline or online. We also report on the findings from our follow up interviews that indicate the importance of social influences on health behavior. They suggest that the use of online social networks may be helpful to facilitate health behavior change. However, challenges such as individual privacy concerns and the difficulty in entering consistent and accurate health information need to be overcome before social networks can be used to store personal health information.
Created by
Ian Li.
HCII, Carnegie Mellon University.