Personal Informatics in Practice: Improving Quality of Life Through Data — CHI 2012 Workshop
Accepted Papers |
Call for Participation
A Framework for Modelling Goals in Personal Lifelong Informatics
Debjanee Barua, Judy Kay, Bob Kummerfeld, Cecile Paris
Goals and goal-setting play an important role in personalinformatics because they link the data within personalinformatics systems to core problems in people’s lives.This paper presents a framework for personal informaticsbased on a user model representing user goals. We arecreating a domain specific ontology for setting lifelongwellbeing goals, and a generic ontology of attributesassociated with goals based on goal-setting theory. Usercontrol is the key to this framework as it enables users toset meaningful goals in relation to their individual abilitiesand create application models that link information storedin personal digital devices to a particular goal. Weenvisage that this novel approach will facilitate lifelongpersonal goal management for individual user.
Created by
Ian Li.
HCII, Carnegie Mellon University.