Personal Informatics in Practice: Improving Quality of Life Through Data — CHI 2012 Workshop

Personal Informatics in Practice: Improving Quality of Life Through Data — CHI 2012 Workshop

Accepted Papers | Call for Participation

Lullaby: Capturing the Unconscious in the Sleep Environment
Matthew Kay, Eun Kyoung Choe, Jesse Shepherd, Benjamin Greenstein, Nathaniel F. Watson, Sunny Consolvo, Julie A. Kientz

Research has shown that environmental factors can be one of the major causes of poor sleep quality and inter-rupted sleep [8], which can contribute to daytime sleepiness and fatigue. In particular, a room that is too warm [11], has improper lighting [10], or is noisy [1] can have a negative impact on sleep. While some of these environmental factors are observable, others may be subtle. Individuals who have poor sleep quality can often have difficulty evaluating the cause or severity of their sleep difficulties [3]. We present preliminary re-sults of an ongoing study of Lullaby, a capture and ac-cess system for the sleep environment, and discuss some aspects of designing capture and access for un-conscious experience.




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Organized by

Ian Li
Yevgeniy Medynskiy
Jon Froehlich
Jakob Eg Larsen


  • Papers Due  January 13, 2012
    January 23, 2012 (Deadline extended)
  • Notification  February 10, 2012
  • Workshop  May 6, 2012

CHI 2012

CHI 2012
May 5–10, 2012
Austin, Texas, USA

Created by Ian Li. HCII, Carnegie Mellon University.