Personal Informatics in Practice: Improving Quality of Life Through Data — CHI 2012 Workshop
Accepted Papers |
Call for Participation
A Cross-Platform SmartphoneBrain Scanner
Jakob Eg Larsen, Arkadiusz Stopczynski, Carsten Stahlhut, Michael Kai Petersenm, Lars Kai Hansen
We describe a smartphone brain scanner with a low-costwireless 14-channel Emotiv EEG neuroheadset interfacingwith multiple mobile devices. This personal informaticssystem enables minimally invasive and continuouscapturing of brain imaging data in natural settings. Thesystem applies an inverse Bayesian framework to spatiallyvisualize the activation of neural sources real-time in a 3Dbrain model or to visualize the power of brainwaves withinspecific frequencies. We describe the architecture of thesystem and discuss initial experiments.
Created by
Ian Li.
HCII, Carnegie Mellon University.