Spendly Touch

Simple income and expense tracking on iPhone


Lets face it, tracking your incomes and expenses isn’t fun. Spendly reduces the pain by keeping things simple. Tracking where your money comes from and where it goes is the first step to saving money. Spendly is also great for keeping track of your money on a trip or for a single type of transaction. For instance, track how much you spend on wine. The results may just scare you sober!

Using Spendly on a day-to-day basis not only simplifies tax time, it also lets you assess your finances at a glance. Open Spendly and you can quickly see if you’re making money, or losing money. A green total means you’re doing well, a red total means you need to stop and review your income and spending.

finance, iphone

Posted on January 01, 2010

Created by Ian Li. HCII, Carnegie Mellon University.